The purpose of this site is to provide plain language information about the law to victims of violence in intimate relationships and their supporters. Willownet provides legal information that may help you if you are experiencing violence in a relationship. The site has information that is helpful on: facts about abuse, effects of relationship violence, what the law says about abuse, leaving the relationship safely (safety plan), taking your kids with you, pets, Protective Orders (EPOs, KBPOs) and going to court. The site also provides links to other family violence resources.
Gathered on this page are resources about bullying that were developed with young people in mind.
But there may be resources for general audiences that are also appropriate.
See the resources listed under: Bullying, Harassment, Sexual harassment
CPLEA Suggested Resources
Not sure where to begin finding answers to your questions. Get started with our suggested resources. See additional resources below for more information.
Alberta Resources
The Government of Alberta is committed to celebrating and supporting all communities, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning (LGBTQ) community. There are a number of online programs and support for the LGBTQ community that address issues such as discrimination, bullying, family violence and mental health issues. This page provides links to various programs and services to the LGBTQ community.
This site was developed in cooperation with a group of Alberta youth who believe that we can all make a difference. It is designed to help you learn about bullying and includes first-hand accounts from people who have been bullied and overcome it, resources to help you deal with your current situation, facts, quizzes and links to other anti-bullying sites. Share the responsibility to create a culture of respect and caring.
This website, provided by the Government of Alberta, helps parents, teens and community members take control of this issue by giving them the tools they need to prevent or intervene in a bullying situation. It has fact sheets on issues such as cyberbullying and homophobic bullying, as well as more general information concerning the effects of bullying and what constitutes bullying.
Community Initiatives Against Family Violence (CIAFV) is committed to strengthening Edmonton's capacity to take constructive action against family violence and bullying using innovative strategies that will support the creation of a collaborative, coordinated, community response to family violence and bullying.
There are three types of law that deal with harassment.: criminal, civil, and human rights. This booklet produced by Student Legal Services at tje University of Alberta looks at harassment as a form of discrimination. It involves any unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that offends or humiliates you.
This tipsheet is produced by the Stride Advocacy Project. The Project works to strengthen community based advocacy that relates and navigates systems and institutions while creating “access without fear” spaces for marginalized and low income Edmontonians.
They're Canada's only toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, referral and Internet service for children and youth. The service is completely anonymous and confidential - they don't trace calls, they don't use call display. You don't even have to tell them your name if you don't want to. (1-800-668-6868)
The Peer Privacy Protectors Project was created by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) to improve communication and education about privacy rights and risks for youth, who are among the most frequent users of technology in Canada. The resulting printed guidebook and accompanying website provides information for teens on how to safeguard thier personal information, reputation and privacy, the body as information, and government surveillance issues.
This resource was designed to help teachers and educators promote active citizenship and encourage youth to explore their rights and responsibilities in building inclusive communities based on understanding and respect. The four themes in this resource offer methods for raising awareness of human rights, understanding the role of stereotypes and prejudices in promoting discrimination, and exploring how racism and other injustices are manifested in our schools, communities, and society.
The Victim Justice Network is a non-profit national organization whose mission is to establish an online-based network to better serve and support victims of crime. One of its objectives is to promote public awareness and public education on issues of importance to victims of crime.
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