This information is intended as a general guide to some of the regulations under the Provincial Parks Act and a variety of other provincial and federal legislation that apply to recreational activities in Alberta's provincial parks and recreation areas. Topics covered include: boating, camping, hunting and fishing, permits, firearms, to name just a few.
Alberta Resources
This service is offered by Alberta Environment. If you witness or have information about a potential environmental emergency or a complaint, contact 1-800-222-6514. This is a 24-hour emergency line and your anonymity is guaranteed.
Protecting Alberta’s environment and natural resources includes preserving the quality of our water, air, natural lands and wildlife. This Alberta government site provides links and information on the following topics of interest to Albertans:
- Air and air quality
- Climate change
- Environmental monitoring and compliance
- Fish and wildlife
- Forests and wildfire
- Land
- Minerals, hydrocarbons and renewable energy
- Waste management and reduction
- Water
The Environmental Appeals Board is the independent board that gives Albertans a way to appeal decisions made under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, the Water Act the Climate Change and Emissions Management Act, and Schedule 5 of the Government Organization Act about development approvals, environmental certificates, or other orders.
The Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society ("ELC") is a registered charitable organization incorporated in Alberta in 1982 to provide Albertans with an objective source of information about environmental and natural resources law. The ELC website includes fact sheets, downloadable publications and a frequently asked questions section. The ELC library is accessible to the public; the catalogue can be accessed on their website. As well, any person can contact the ELC and receive information on environmental law.
Every Living Thing is the Alberta SPCA’s humane education website for teachers who aim to inspire compassion for animals, people and the environment – every living thing! The Alberta SPCA believes people have a duty to accept responsibility for the welfare of animals. The SPCA hopes to nurture a humane attitude toward animals through a humane education program.
This primer is a tool for landowners who find themselves with inactive, suspended, abandoned or orphaned wells on their property. While it focuses on wells, much of the content applies to other oil and gas infrastructure on your property, including pipelines and control sheds.This primer was prepared by the Pembina Institute.
My Wild Alberta operates in order to encourage hunting, fishing and trapping in Alberta and support habitat conservation. Provided by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and community stakeholders, the website provides information about relevant legislation and regulations, licenses and fees, safety and procedures, education opportunities and other online resources.
CELA is a specialty legal clinic within the Ontario-wide network of clinics. CELA works to protect human health and our environment by seeking justice for those harmed by pollution and by working to change policies to prevent such problems in the first place. As a Legal Aid Clinic their top priority is to represent low income individuals and communities and to speak out for those with less influence and who receive less of a say in decision-making.
Ecojustice is a national independent charitable organization which provides legal services free-of-charge to charities and citizens on the front lines of the environmental movement, helping ensure equitable access to environmental justice nationwide. We advocate for effective laws, use the courts to make sure they are implemented and enforced, and give a voice to Canadians in decisions that affect the air, water and land we all depend on.
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