Calgary Outlink: Center for Gender & Sexual Diversity strives to create healthy communities and brighter futures for LGBTQ+ individuals. They provide a safe community space equipped with support services, education opportunities, a support line, and access to resources.
Alberta Resources
This online publication is from the Student Legal Services of Edmonton. Includes information about: hate crimes, vandalism of war memorials, dangerous acts or ommissions, and possession of a device designed to committ mischief.
This website was developed by the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre with the assistance of a number of Alberta organizations who serve the LGBT community. It offers information and resources for LGBT youth and provides legal information on LGBT rights, issues in the workplace or other human rights issues
AlterHéros is an incorporated non-profit organization whose mission is to facilitate the social and community integration of gay, lesbian and transgendered youth. The goal is to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, to improve the image of homosexuals and bisexuals, and to halt homophobia so that they can feel proud to be equal members of society.
The object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.
Be Web Aware is a national, bilingual public education program on Internet safety. The initiative was developed and supported by Media Awareness Network (MNet), Bell and Microsoft Canada. The web-based resources are aimed at empowering parents with information so they can help their children make safe and wise online decisions. It's all part of helping young Canadians benefit from the opportunities of the Internet while minimizing the potential risks.
This tipsheet is produced by the Stride Advocacy Project. The Project works to strengthen community based advocacy that relates and navigates systems and institutions while creating “access without fear” spaces for marginalized and low income Edmontonians.
This web site from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology is dedicated to providing students and scholars alike with an information hub for existing Canadian hate crime literature. One can navigate through the links on this site to find summaries of books, academic papers, conference proceedings, and organization and government reports that have addressed the issue of hate crime in Canada. Additional sections provide information about national and international anti-hate crime organizations.
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