This online resource was created by the Alberta Voluntary Sector Insurance Council and the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations to assist nonprofits with understanding and managing their insurance issues. It explains the basics of insurance, understanding a policy and managing your policy. It includes a section about Volunteers and Insurance, and provides information for volunteer board members.
The body of law which governs organizations which are not maintained for the purpose of making a profit and thus use their net earnings to further the purposes for which they were established. Some non-profits are also defined as charities under federal or provincial law.
Alberta Resources
Pro Bono Law Alberta (PBLA) is a nonprofit organization that promotes access to justice in Alberta by creating and promoting opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to persons of limited means. PBLA does not provide direct support to members of the public; their website lists clinics and projects that may be helpful to individuals. Lawyers on PBLA's volunteer roster are available to provide assistance on legal issues that impact non profits and charities such as: policy/governance; employment law and contracts; volunteer waivers; incorporation; or charitable registration.
The Foundation works to strengthen the charitable sector through policy research, public awareness research and analysis, consultations on the regulation of charities, seminars and workshops on key issues and concerns affecting charities as well as special projects. Particular areas of concern are management development and leadership and building capacity within organizations devoted to early childhood development. They provide a variety of publications related to this work.
Volunteer Alberta aims to empower Alberta’s nonprofit sector organizations through knowledge exchange and strategic connections. Their risk management resources include an Insurance Toolkit and Guide to Director’s and Officer’s Liability.
VARC is a an online library of resources related to: nonprofit organization management; voluntary sector leadership; fund development; volunteer program management; board leadership; and governance voluntary sector issues.
Volunteers and the Law in Alberta provides information for both volunteers and the organizations who recruit them, as to what the law is regarding volunteering. The site is divided into two sections; Volunteers and Organization/Board Member, so as to make finding the information you need as fast and easy as possible.
The Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA) represents over 2,000 development professionals around the world who are dedicated to meeting the data and information needs of the nonprofit community. Advancement researchers are the development officers on the front line of data management, uniquely positioned -- and qualified -- to gather, interpret, analyze, and disseminate the information critical to securing support for nonprofit organizations.
The Canadian Revenue Agency's guide to donating, from how to find registered charities to how to claim the donation for your taxes. Includes a large glossary of terms used within charity laws.
Imagine Canada is a national charitable organization whose cause is Canada’s charities and nonprofits. They support and strengthen charities and nonprofits so they can, in turn, support the Canadians and communities they serve. Sections include: Ethical Code program; Insurance and liability resource centre for non-profits; Charity tax tools; and Non-profit library.
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