The Alberta Seniors and Community Supports department provides information about financial, health-related, and protective services for seniors. This webpage lists the contact information for regional offices. Or call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre Toll-free in Alberta: 1-877-644-9992, Monday to Friday 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Alberta Resources
Alberta’s continuing care system provides Albertans with the health, personal care and accommodation services they need to support their independence and quality of life. This website section from Alberta Health provides information about the three settings in which continuing care services are provided: Home living; Supportive living; and Facility living.
CSRS Outreach Workers assist seniors with pensions and benefits, housing and home care support, or personal/family crisis. Other programs include Escorted Transportation, Assited Shopping and Friendly Visiting.
Resource guide produced by the Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE). Considered the industry standard for information resources related to older adults in greater Edmonton. It includes information about over 300+ services, agencies and businesses that serve the older adults of greater Edmonton.
The Government of Alberta has many programs to help lower income Albertans. This guide can help find out what's available. Programs are listed in seven groups:Work and Work Skills, Financial, Housing, Legal Assistance, Health Expenses, Families with Children, and People with Disabilities. For each program, you will find an outline of what it does and where to go for information.This guide is up-to-date as of March 2005.
This service of the Kerby Centre for the 55 Plus in Calgary focuses on providing answers and solving problems. Information is available on topics such as pensions, legal issues, government services, grants, home help, consumer affairs, transportation, congratulatory messages, and much more.
This collection of links to provincial and federal resources is provided by the Government of Alberta and is organized into the following categories: for Retirement; Pensions and Retirement; Health-Related Benefits and Assistance; Housing Supports and Initiatives; Government Programs and Services for Seniors; Staying Healthy and Active after 65; Motor Vehicle Safety; Transferring Personal Authority and Writing a Will; and Organizations and Activities.
Created by the BC Law Institute, the Canadian Centre for Elder Law is a national, non-profit body dedicated to exploring the particular legal issues which affect older Canadians through research, law reform, and education. CCEL has published plain language materials on these topics targeting health care practitionners, non-profit organizations, and the general public.
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