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Wills and estates

A total of 43 records were found for Wills and estates
Definition: A will is a legal document determining the distribution of property and belongings after a person’s death. Also included here is information about legal documents that express someone's intentions for the management of their affairs in the event that they become incapable of doing so for themselves (for example, powers of attorney, living wills, personal directives, Supported Decision-making).

Alberta Resources

This online resource from Calgary Legal Guidance discusses Enduring Powers of Attorney in Alberta. An Enduring Power of Attorney should be prepared ahead of time before you suffer mental incapacity or illness which renders you unable to make sound decisions about your money and business matters. By an Enduring Power of Attorney, you appoint someone you trust to make decisions for you at a future time when you no longer have the capacity to make your own decisions.

Related keywords: Wills and estates

This guide from Servus Credit Union provides key information for nine stages in estate administration: death, locate will, funeral, family conference, inventory assets and liabilities, probate, manage estate, tax returns and final distribution. Also provided are contact numbers for related services, a form for making an estate information record, an outline of the role of a trustee, and a glossary of terms. (PDF - 40 pages)

Related keywords: Wills and estates

This service of the Kerby Centre for the 55 Plus in Calgary focuses on providing answers and solving problems. Information is available on topics such as pensions, legal issues, government services, grants, home help, consumer affairs, transportation, congratulatory messages, and much more.

Related keywords: Elder abuse, Supportive living and seniors’ housing, Wills and estates

Leaving a legacy is no simple matter. Planning ahead is the best way to ensure that you maximize the benefit to your families and loved ones even after you’ve kicked the bucket. A series of articles that provide information on wills and estates planning.

Related keywords: Wills and estates

This is a series of publications developed with funding from Employment and Social Development Canada. The multimedia resource package is focused on increasing the knowledge and awareness of how intermediaries can use the law to prevent and reduce elder abuse. (Resources are available in English and French)

Related keywords: Elder abuse, Wills and estates

This onine resource prepared by Calgary Legal Guidance discusses the requirements for making a will valid in Alberta.

Related keywords: Wills and estates

The Office of the Public Trustee exists to protect and administer the property of represented adults, minor children, and deceased persons, where there is no one else able to act. The website provides information about trusteeship under the Alberta Guardianship and Trusteeship Act and about informal trusteeship.

Related keywords: Guardianship and trusteeship, Wills and estates

Information page which explains how to use a personal directive to name someone to make personal decisions for you are incapable due to illness or injury. Links to form, information on how to register your directive and where you can get help to complete the process.

Related keywords: Wills and estates

Planning Your Own Funeral - Booklet

This booklet provides important information about legal issues related to pre-arranging your own funeral and it can help you make some of the arrangements that will help your family and friends in the time following your death.

Related keywords: Wills and estates

This online resource from Calgary Legal Guidance discusses Powers of Attorney in Alberta. A Power of Attorney gives someone authority to handle your financial and estate matters. It is a written document that says someone else, your agent, can step into your shoes and act with the same authority as you have in looking after your finances and estate.

Related keywords: Wills and estates
