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Maritime law

Un total de 3 enregistrements correspondent à vos critères: Maritime law
Définition: The body of law dealing with transportation by water, including ships and harbours and disputes arising from their use.


The mandate of the CMLA is to advance the development of effective, modern commercial maritime law within Canada and the international shipping community. Members of the CMLA include practicing maritime lawyers and other persons, companies and groups interested in the shipping and maritime industry. The CMLA is Canada's representative to the Comité Maritime International.

Sujets connexes:: Maritime law

This online source of the consolidated Acts and regulations of Canada is provided by the Department of Justice Canada. The consolidations are generally updated on a weekly basis.

Sujets connexes:: Aboriginal law, Administrative law, Charter of Rights, Civil law, Constitutional law, Farm law, Immigration, Legislative materials, Maritime law, Military law, Non-profit and charity law


Research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by the NATO librarians. Use the tabs to navigate through the individual guides. Topics include: Arctic Security; Cyberspace Security; Maritime Security; Missile Defence; Women, Peace and Security; NATO's New Strategic Concept; Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan; and Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation.

Sujets connexes:: International law, Legal research, Maritime law, Military law