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Non-profit and charity law

A total of 28 records were found for Non-profit and charity law

The body of law which governs organizations which are not maintained for the purpose of making a profit and thus use their net earnings to further the purposes for which they were established. Some non-profits are also defined as charities under federal or provincial law.

See also keywords:  Volunteers


The Institute On Governance (IOG) is a non-profit organization with charitable status founded in 1990 to promote effective governance. Their mission is ‘advancing better governance in the public interest,’ which we accomplish by exploring, developing and promoting the principles, standards and practices which underlie good governance in the public sphere, both in Canada and abroad. The IOG’s vision is to be the pre-eminent, independent Canadian source of knowledge, research and advice on governance and its continuous improvement.


Related keywords: Non-profit and charity law, Public policy

This online source of the consolidated Acts and regulations of Canada is provided by the Department of Justice Canada. The consolidations are generally updated on a weekly basis.

Related keywords: Aboriginal law, Administrative law, Charter of Rights, Civil law, Constitutional law, Farm law, Immigration, Legislative materials, Maritime law, Military law, Non-profit and charity law

This online resource from Imagine Canada, provides recommended resource lists and a searchable database to the John Hodgson Library collection, the most comprehensive collection of Canadian research and practical resources in the following areas: Governance & Accountability, Philanthropy & Fundraising, Organizational Management, Human Resources and Volunteerism.
Related keywords: Law libraries, Non-profit and charity law

This publication prepared by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is intended to provide readers with a general overview of the ten principles included in the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and how these principles affect associations and non-profit organizations (PDF - 10 pages).

Related keywords: Business, Freedom of information, Non-profit and charity law, Privacy

The Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement is a charity which exists to build vibrant and engaged communities in Canada.Their mission is to engage citizens in inspired action as they work together on behalf of their communities to create and realize bold visions for the future. The Institute sponsors projects and provides learning resources, training, coaching and strategic consulting that enable people to collaborate and learn with and from each other.

Related keywords: Civil society, Non-profit and charity law, Poverty, Public policy

The Philanthropist is a quarterly journal for practitioners, scholars, supporters and others engaged the nonprofit sector in Canada. It publishes articles and useful information about the sector's important contributions to our communities, our country, and our world. Topics include issues of law and policy related to charities.

Related keywords: Non-profit and charity law, Online legal journals


The Center for Civil Society Studies of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies seeks to encourage the development and effective operation of nonprofit, philanthropic, or "civil society" organizations. The Center carries out its work through a combination of research, training, and information-sharing both in the United States and throughout the world.

Related keywords: Civil society, Non-profit and charity law, Research reports and institutes

CPLEA Resources

Plain language legal information for non-profits can be found on  

Related keywords: Non-profit and charity law
