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A total of 17 records were found for Corrections
Definition: The social control of offenders through a system of imprisonment and rehabilitation and probation and parole.

Established in 1947, the Lethbridge John Howard Society focuses on programs primarily in the fields of justice, corrections and social issues. Their mandate is to respond to the problems of crime, to work with people in conflict with the law, to advocate for change in the criminal justice process when needed and to engage in public legal education. Services are provided to assist clients with a variety of needs. These include information on legal issues, assistance with pardon applications, and referrals to other community agencies and services

Related keywords: Corrections, Criminal records and record suspensions, Legal services, Reintegration

Alberta Resources

This online resource is from the Government of Alberta and provides information on initiatives and programs currently underway in Alberta through partnerships between the Alberta Solicitor General, Alberta Justice and Aboriginal communities, groups and organizations, as well as other topics of interest regarding Aboriginal justice.

Related keywords: Administration of justice, Corrections

The Alberta Fine Option Program enables offenders to work off fines rather than making cash payments or going to jail. It is available to offenders who are 18 years or older. In Edmonton the program is run by the City of Edmonton. A similar program is available through City of Calgary Social Services to young offenders under the age of 18 years. In order to be eligible for the Fine Option Program you must be able to work in Canada. All placements are made through the Alberta Justice Fine Option Program. If you require assistance call the Alberta Fine Option Program at 780-422-0730. See also for more information.

Related keywords: Corrections

The Calgary John Howard Society's vision is to promote positive change through humane, just, and informed responses to crime and its effects. The organization provides programs for both adults and youth involved in the criminal justice system, or who are at risk for becoming involved in the criminal justice system. Provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.

Related keywords: Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration, Restorative justice

Catholic Social Services is a multi-function social service agency that serves people of all faiths and cultures throughout central Alberta. Founded in 1961, the agency has grown to deliver more than 100 programs.CSS is divided into Service and Program areas offered in five distinct Regions throughout central and northeast Alberta. Major Service areas include: Children, Family, and Community Service,Community Outreach and Disability Service, Immigration and Settlement Service, and Substance Abuse and Corrections Service.

Related keywords: Corrections, Disabilities, Drugs and alcohol, Immigration, Mediation and alternative dispute resolution, Parole, Refugees, Reintegration

Edmonton John Howard Society is a not-for-profit, community-based crime prevention agency. They provide assistance to people in conflict with the law, their families, those who have the potential to be in conflict with the law, and victims of crime. Their work to eradicate the root causes of crime helps build safety and harmony in communities. The Edmonton John Howard Society works to promote a better understanding of the Criminal Justice System and the consequences of breaking the law. Their work is accomplished through educational presentations provided to youth in the school system and the community. Caseworkers provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.

Related keywords: Classroom materials, Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration

This guide is designed with the intent of helping families and friends of men incarcerated in Alberta navigate our sometimes complex and intimidating Criminal Justice System. This booklet has been prepared by the Edmonton John Howard Society.
Related keywords: Arrest, Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Legal process, Parole

The John Howard Society of Alberta is a non-profit agency concerned with the problem of crime and its prevention. The organization takes its name and spirit from the 18th century humanitarian John Howard, whose name has become a symbol of humane consideration for prisoners. It was incorporated in 1949, and today the organization consists of six separately incorporated districts along with the Provincial Office. The website provides information about the services available in each of these districts.

Related keywords: Classroom materials, Corrections, Crime prevention, Criminal records and record suspensions, Reintegration


Prepared by Professor Michael Jackson, QC and Graham Stewart, former Executive Director of the John Howard Society of Canada, this report is a critical review of the policy paper on the Correctional Service of Canada released publicly in December 2007. (PDF – 236 pages, 2009)

Related keywords: Corrections, Public safety, Research reports and institutes

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is the federal government agency responsible for administering sentences of a term of two years or more, as imposed by the courts. CSC is responsible for managing institutions of various security levels and supervising offenders under conditional release in the community. CSC is also committed to ensuring that victims of crime have an effective voice in the federal corrections and criminal justice system.

Related keywords: Corrections, Restorative justice, Victim support and victim rights
