These FAQs are provided by the Canadian Legal FAQs, a website of the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta. They provide answers to questions about the Criminal Code of Canada. On this page you will find general information FAQs on the Code, shoplifting, and joyriding.
A record suspension (formerly known as a pardon) allows people who were convicted of a criminal offence, but have completed their sentence and demonstrated that they are law-abiding citizens for a prescribed number of years, to have their criminal record kept separate and apart from other criminal records.A record suspension removes a person's criminal record from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database. This means that a search of CPIC will not show that the individual has a criminal record or a record suspension. This helps them access employment and educational opportunities and to reintegrate into society.
Established in 1947, the Lethbridge John Howard Society focuses on programs primarily in the fields of justice, corrections and social issues. Their mandate is to respond to the problems of crime, to work with people in conflict with the law, to advocate for change in the criminal justice process when needed and to engage in public legal education. Services are provided to assist clients with a variety of needs. These include information on legal issues, assistance with pardon applications, and referrals to other community agencies and services
If you have been charged with an offence, SLS's volunteer law student caseworkers are able to act as your agent (representative) in the Provincial Court of Alberta. SLS caseworkers act under the supervision of advising lawyers. The program can help low income Albertans SLS provides information on assault, impaired driving, driver's license suspenstion arrest warrants jaywalking tickets, traffice offences, pardons and criminal record suspension and more...
Alberta Resources
The Calgary John Howard Society's vision is to promote positive change through humane, just, and informed responses to crime and its effects. The organization provides programs for both adults and youth involved in the criminal justice system, or who are at risk for becoming involved in the criminal justice system. Provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.
Edmonton John Howard Society is a not-for-profit, community-based crime prevention agency. They provide assistance to people in conflict with the law, their families, those who have the potential to be in conflict with the law, and victims of crime. Their work to eradicate the root causes of crime helps build safety and harmony in communities. The Edmonton John Howard Society works to promote a better understanding of the Criminal Justice System and the consequences of breaking the law. Their work is accomplished through educational presentations provided to youth in the school system and the community. Caseworkers provide support and assist individuals throughout the various stages of the record suspension application process.
The mission of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton is to foster the dignity and worth of women who come into conflict with the law, and help them live as valued members of their communities. They are a not-for-profit organization that has existed in Edmonton since 1977. The society offers a variety of programs for women and girls including a legal clinic. The Legal Clinic Program assists federally sentenced women at Edmonton Institute for Women by addressing their legal needs. The society has court workers who provide information to both men and women on court procedure and plea options. They also provide referrals to duty counsel and other community resources. The Elizabeth Fry Society helps women with the process of applying for a record suspension.
The John Howard Society of Alberta is a non-profit agency concerned with the problem of crime and its prevention. The organization takes its name and spirit from the 18th century humanitarian John Howard, whose name has become a symbol of humane consideration for prisoners. It was incorporated in 1949, and today the organization consists of six separately incorporated districts along with the Provincial Office. The website provides information about the services available in each of these districts.
A publication of Student Legal Services of Edmonton. It covers pardons, record suspensions and how to apply for a record suspension with the Parole board of Canada (PBC).
This online version of a book produced by the John Howard Society of Alberta outlines the pardon application process. It also answers 20 frequently asked questions about pardons.
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